Welcome to the Pine Rivers Art and Craft Show  2022


  1. Use separate entry forms for PAINT and CRAFT entries. Entry form and entry fees should be paid prior to 15 July 2022 either sent to the Association or online. Full details are provided on the Entry Form. A manual entry form can be printed from the website (www.pineriversshow.org.au) or a link is provided on this site for you to complete your entry online.
  2. Entry Fees for 2022 only
  3. All entries must be recent (within 3 years) and be the original, unaided work of the exhibitor (not copied), and not previously exhibited in a Pine Rivers Show. No work may be entered in more than one class.
  4. Due to Covid-19 restrictions in social distancing, it is possible not all entered art/craft may be displayed during the show but will be judged prior to the opening of the show. The Chief Steward reserves the right to declare a non-competition in any class in which there are less than three entries.
  5. A commission of 20% will be retained for all sales.
  6. All care will be taken with the exhibits but the Association will not be responsible for loss or damage to the Exhibits.
  7. The Association reserves the right to photograph any work submitted for the purpose of documentation, education and advertising in any media form.
  8. Retain your receipt for entry fees. You must produce this as proof of ownership when collecting entries at the closure of the show.
  9. Please use the 2022 ENTRY FORM. Every individual item must be listed on your entry form.
  10. Any nominated prize money may be substituted with a voucher or goods.


  1. All pictures and paintings are to be correctly labelled on the back of the artwork (class, title, artist’s name and sale price).
  2. Works must be suitably mounted and framed except for paintings on block canvas where the artist considers no frame is necessary.
  3. All artwork must be labelled showing name and selling price. All artwork must be ready for hanging with strong wire/cord, flush not protruding, or other professional methods. This applies to adult and child entries.
  4. The size of any painting including the frame must not exceed 80cm x 100cm.
  5. A maximum of 5 entries only per artist will be accepted.


  1. Every individual piece of work must be on the entry form; this includes each individual item in as collection.
  2. Every individual item including items in collections must have a tag showing name or code and selling price. If using a code use the first 2 letters of your surname (eg Smith = sm1, sm2 etc.
  3. Any 1 item will be judged in one class only
  4. A collection of craft items for sale only or display may be entered once a payment fee of $3.50 per collection is paid. The quantity displayed will depend on available space and current Covid-19 Health recommendations.



Adult Paint 1st prize $100 2nd prize $80 3rd prize $30

Adult Craft(other than paper) 1st prize $100 2nd prize $80 3rd prize $30

Adult Craft Paper 1st prize $50 2nd prize $30 3rd prize $10

Primary Prep-grade3 1st prize $20 2nd prize $15 3rd prize $5

Primary Grades 4-6 1st prize $30 2nd prize $20 3rd prize $10

High School Grades 7-10 1st prize $40 2nd prize $25 3rd prize $10

High School Grades 11-12 1st prize $50 2nd prize $30 3rd prize $15

Care Facility Clients 1st prize $50 2nd prize $30 3rd prize $10